September 19, 2016
It's a big week for APSD Athletics, including the first game for the 7th grade football team, AHS hosting the 4A-7 District Golf Tournament and varsity football beginning conferen...
September 11, 2016
Lots of home events this week, in particularly with the Lady Badger volleyball program and the first home games for the 8th and 9th grade football teams. It's also the debut of th...
September 5, 2016
Golf, tennis and varsity football are the only teams at home this week, but even with a four-day week, it's still a busy one for APSD Athletics. The Lady Badger volleyball team is...
August 30, 2016
The possibility for one lucky fan to win $10,000 in the Southern Bancorp $10,000 Toss highlights some exciting events surrounding the Arkadelphia Badger varsity football 2016 se...
August 29, 2016
We welcome our final fall sport to join the fray in playing regular season games as this is week one for football-playing schools in the AAA. Now that all of our teams are in acti...
August 22, 2016
Ok, so mom or dad saving money may not be the biggest benefit your child gets, but it will be for you, and we knew it would get your attention. If you plan to bring your future B...
August 21, 2016
Welcome to week two of the 2016-17 school year and first week that the athletic schedule really kicks in. Each week, we'll post a graphic like the one you'll see at the end of thi...
August 19, 2016
Weather permitting, the unofficial kickoff to the 2016-17 athletic seasons for the Arkadelphia School District will take place when Arkadelphia fans can “Meet the Badgers” this ...

May 19, 2016
In athletics, a lot of lip service is given to sportsmanship, but all too often the stories we hear in the news about pre-game, in-game or post-game incidents involve actions of p...
May 11, 2016
The Lady Badger soccer team will be in far north Arkansas and the Badger baseball team will be in far southwest Arkansas Thursday as both begin state tournament play. The Lady...
May 9, 2016
A reminder to parents/guardians about the annual free physical event that will be held Tuesday (tomorrow) afternoon/evening at AHS. Please share this reminder post to help spread ...

May 4, 2016
Each student who participates in athletics or is involved in a spirit squad in the Arkadelphia Public School District is required to have a current physical examination on file wi...
May 2, 2016
We're still in post-season mode for most of our teams, but it's the final week of conference matches for AHS soccer as the 2016-17 season winds down. THE BADGER BASEBALL TEAM PL...
April 27, 2016
The 4A-7 Baseball Tournament games at Bauxite High School originally scheduled to be played Friday and Saturday have been moved up to Thursday due to the weekend forecast. This m...
April 27, 2016
The Arkadelphia Lady Badgers will play the first game in the 4A-7 District Softball tournament today at 12:00 p.m. vs. Fountain Lake at Nashville City Park. The Lady Badgers ar...
April 25, 2016
The regular season is winding down and this is the first week of post-season play for our varsity teams as baseball, softball and track are on tap for the first post-season play o...
April 20, 2016
Below is an updated version of our weekly athletic schedule reflecting changes in soccer, softball and baseball. This schedule covers April 20 through next Tuesday, April 26. If w...
April 18, 2016
The spring semester is winding down on the calendar, but that means the spring sports schedules are heating up with post-season play on the horizon. Best of luck to all of our tea...
April 12, 2016
We were a little delayed in the posting of this week's schedule until today's weather finalized our plans. Weather has forced postponements of all of Monday's games and all will b...
April 1, 2016
Below are links to all results from the Jr. Ram Relays and Sr. Ram Relays held at Lakeside HS this week. Top finishes from individuals are listed below. The track teams will run n...