The Arkadelphia School District was approved by the Arkansas Department of Education for up to five (5) days to count as Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) Days for the 2018-19 school year.
- This is the second year that ADE has approved such days for district to use in the event of school closures due to weather or other emergencies - This keeps schools from having to extend the school year at the end of May. One reason is because those days of instruction came after state testing dates in the spring.
- Check the links and information below to find more information on AMI days:
-- APSD AMI Day Information Sheet
-- APSD AMI Frequently Asked Questions
During events such as winter weather, APSD officials will monitor road conditions as winter weather necessitates. Ideally, a call to close school for a day would be made the night before but some instances do not allow for such decisions. In the event closures are made the evening prior, APSD will send a notification through its automated messaging system using the phone number(s) that are on file at your student's or students' respective campuses by 9:30 p.m. If a call is made later at night or in the morning, the notification will be made around 6:00 - 6:30 am.
The system will make an automated voice call to cell phones and land lines but will also send a text message to cell numbers. In order for your number to be included in the call, please make sure you have a current working number on file at your child's campus. If you have not updated your number recently, the call will go to the number on file which could be an old cell phone number. If you change your cell number throughout the course of a school year, please notify the school so records can be updated.
APSD will also utilize social media and traditional media outlets to help notify parents about school closures. Please make sure you follow these accounts and set your account to receive notifications from these accounts so you'll receive updates.
Facebook: Arkadelphia Public School District Twitter: @APSD_News
Each APSD campus also has a Facebook page that will also be used to notify parents of school closures in addition to the regular news and events they post about school activities.
Traditional media that will be notified include: KARK Channel 4, KATV Channel 7, KTHV Channel 11, KLRT Fox 16, Arkadelphia Dispatch newspaper, The Standard newspaper, The Sentinel-Record in Hot Springs, KLAZ 105.9 FM in Hot Springs.