
On Wednesday, February 14, our schools will not be accepting Valentine's deliveries. Balloons and glass flower vases are not allowed on school buses so we ask that everyone please refrain from sending any Valentine deliveries to school.

The following Valentine's events and fundraisers are happening to allow students an opportunity to participate in Valentine's giving on campus:
Perritt Primary School is having class parties on February 14th. Parties begin at 8:30 a.m. for kindergarten; 1:00 p.m. for second grade; and 1:30 p.m. for first grade.
Peake Elementary School GT Teacher Brandi Cotton is selling Candygrams that will be delivered on Valentine’s Day for $1. Students can place an order on Monday; the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.
Goza Middle School Student Council is selling Crush Grams and Fanta-TASTIC Friend Grams from February 7-13 at $2 for one, or $5 for 3. They will be delivered during homeroom on Valentine’s Day.
Arkadelphia High School FCA is selling Candygrams that will be delivered on Valentine’s Day.
Thank you!